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Flow-chart of Channelization / Collection Mechanisms

We are the RECYCLING VILLA Recycler registered with PPCB for management and dismantling/recycling/disposal of all our e-waste.


  • As a part of agreement RECYCLING VILLA Recycler collects all our E-waste generated from PAN India and disposes the same at their plant in Ludhiana, Punjab.

  • RECYCLING VILLA recycler is our e waste management partner is having all authorization related e-waste dismantling from PPCB /CPCB and having all connects related to Air/water/Hazardous waste. They have a capacity of 12000 MTA for E-Waste and 8000 MTA for Hazardous waste.

  • Keeping in view our collection targets we have and generation of e-waste we have decided to follow these mechanisms in our organization for collection of e-waste.

  • There will be a Toll-Free Number where in Company /Authorized Recycler can be contacted to locate collection points for returning back the handsets (E-Waste} or for arranging pick-up of E-waste.

  • Awareness through website, newspaper advertisements, user manual, product package and banners at Service or centres to aware customer about hazardous of improper handling of e-waste as well as to suggest them about nearest e-waste drop point or to schedule a pickup from their door step with the help our pan India logistics facility.

Specific collection schemes (buyback, exchange, DRS etc.)

Process of channelization:

Collection Mechanism

Our brand will launch in 2022 and we being a good corporate citizen always give priority to compliance and follow all regulations amended time to time by government authorities related to e-waste management. Following are the schemes below we will amend after launching our brand and work on the best possible schemes as defined in e-waste (Management) Rule 2016 and update CPCB.


We will propose to have a mechanism of incentivizing customer who wish to return their end-of-life product(e-waste), whereby if any customer wish to discard their product, they can call on the e-waste management partner toll free number 1800-212-7277. The representative will explain them about the process of disposal and shall make them aware about nearest collection centre/collection point available to drop the e-waste and shall also give information about the incentive or exchange offer, if any, we will offer to them against their end-of-life product. If any customer wants to handover the material from their door step, we do send either our logistics team or RECYCLING VILLA recycler team to collect the item and channelize the same to our e-waste partner plant for final processing. We incentivize our customer depending upon the life of the product.

E-waste Exchange

We will run e-waste exchange program whereby we will encourage our end user to deposit any of their electronic and electric material (irrespective brand) we exchange the same with either new one after giving some discount. This can be done at any of our collection point or by calling at our toll free number.


As of now we will not opt ‘Deposit Refund Scheme’ though we encourage our end users (customers) to handover their    end-of-life product by incentivizing them either by awarding them with monetary benefit or by giving discounts on purchase of new product against submission of old product.

OUR Recyclers

For E-Waste

  1. Facility Name: Recycling Villa

  2. Address:  SCO:-16, G.K Estate, Chandigarh Road, Mundia, Near Fortis Hospital, Ludhiana - 141015. 

  3. Toll Free No: 1800 2127277


For hazardous waste

  1. Facility Name: Recycling Villa

  2. Address: Plot no:- 124, Jashan city, Jandalia Kohara to shanewal road, Ludhiana

  3. Toll Free No: 1800 2127277


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